About the Computational Chemistry Corner | An Example How Science and Technology are Working Hand in Hand

The Background of Collaboration Between Chemistry and Computer Science

Chemistry is the study of matter. Computer Science is the study of principles and usage of a computer. Given how the field of Chemistry has experienced massive growth during the last century, it was only a matter of time when the ancient science of Chemistry is modernized.
The field of Computer Science is now involved in the different fields the documentation of chemical processes, providing evidence or lack thereof. This is achieved via automation for example using machines engineered to include computers to determine the basics of chemical reactions.

Chemistry and Computer Science What's Next?

Gone are the days when chemists are confined to just using the usual glass wares and spring balances among others such as the
we usually see in a laboratory. Today’s chemists and chemical engineers use electron microscopes, computerized balances and generators. All powered, controlled and recorded using computers.
Gone are the days when chemists are confined to just using the usual glass wares and spring balances among others such as the apparatus we usually see in a laboratory. Today’s chemists and chemical engineers use electron microscopes, computerized balances and generators. All powered, controlled and recorded using computers.

Chemistry is the study of matter. Computer Science is the study of principles and usage of a computer. Given how the field of Chemistry has experienced massive growth during the last century, it was only a matter of time when the ancient science of Chemistry is modernized. The field of Computer Science is now involved in the different fields the documentation of chemical processes, providing evidence or lack thereof. This is achieved via automation for example using machines engineered to include computers to determine the basics of chemical reactions.